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Mark Neamand, DPM
Neamand Foot and Ankle Center
621 Devon Ave, Park Ridge, IL 60068

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08 Dec 2024
Not as great as he used to be!
Despite my trust in Dr. Neamand, I began to experience severe pain in my foot. His failure to provide adequate
13 Oct 2022
Awesome Surgeon
I had my ankle repaired by Dr. Neamand last year after a terrible accident. I thought that I would never


Not as great as he used to be!
Despite my trust in Dr. Neamand, I began to experience severe pain in my foot. His failure to provide adequate information and care has now resulted in a life-altering foot condition. He administered numerous injections for \'inflammation,\' yet I consistently reported no relief. Ultimately, after the two months of shots, I suffered further damage to my foot, leading to permanent impairment. Dr. Neamand\'s response to my pain has left me with a lasting and painful reminder of his shortcomings in my treatment. I frequently encountered excessive wait times and unexpected last-minute cancellations of my appointments due to \'emergency surgeries.\' Dr. Neamand claimed that these delays were a result of his thorough approach to patient care, however, my experience suggested otherwise.


Awesome Surgeon
I had my ankle repaired by Dr. Neamand last year after a terrible accident. I thought that I would never be able to run again. He performed a miracle surgery(fixed my bones and ligaments)....I just finished a 5K with NO pain!! Love this doctor and will be forever grateful!!

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Dr. Neamand is an accomplished podiatric surgeon with nearly 20 years of professional experience. He specializes in sports medicine and the newest techniques in operative and non-operative foot and ankle care.

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